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Competencies covered

MSFFL3006: Install adhesive fixed carpet floor coverings

Direct stick installation techniques

Image for slide 1
Audio for slide 1 (mp3 |6|KB)

In Section 1 we talked about the subfloor preparations you need to make before commencing a carpet installation.

And in Section 3 we talked about the general procedures you should follow to acclimatise the carpet, cut it to size and join the seams, ready for installation.

On the subject of acclimatisation, you also need check that there is no underfloor heating system that has been left on.

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Image for slide 2
Audio for slide 2 (mp3 |6|KB)

Spreading the adhesive

Fold one side of the carpet back over the other half to expose the subfloor underneath.

Pour a quantity of adhesive on the floor and spread it with a notched trowel.

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Image for slide 3
Audio for slide 3 (mp3 |6|KB)

Make sure you use the correct trowel size, as specified by the adhesive manufacturer.

Remember to hold the trowel at 60 degrees to maintain the right consistency, and go right to the edges and into corners.

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Image for slide 4
Audio for slide 4 (mp3 |6|KB)

Laying and rolling the carpet

When the adhesive 'tacks up', carefully lay the folded-back carpet into position on the adhesive.

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Image for slide 5
Audio for slide 5 (mp3 |6|KB)

Use a roller to apply an even pressure over the whole area.

Generally, a 25 kg to 35 kg roller is suitable, but it should be the lightest weight that will achieve a proper transfer of adhesive to the carpet backing.

Work from the centre towards the perimeter, and roll out any bubbles and wrinkles.

Keep the roller moving to avoid any unevenness in the surface flatness.

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Image for slide 6
Audio for slide 6 (mp3 |6|KB)

Once you have completed that side of the carpet, use the same procedure to lay out and roll the other side.

Wait for 30 minutes, or whatever time is specified by the manufacturer, and then roll the whole floor, working from end to end and side to side.

Allow the adhesive to cure for 24 hours before it takes any concentrated loads or traffic.

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Learning activity

Audio 7 (mp3 |6|KB)

One of the practical demonstrations you will need to perform for this unit is a direct stick carpet installation in connecting rooms, using a PVC-backed carpet.

You should complete this learning activity as part of that practical demonstration.

Provide the following details in relation to the direct stick carpet installation.

  1. Carpet - including product name, manufacturer and colour.

  2. Adhesive - including product name and manufacturer.

  3. Subfloor description - including structure, materials used and condition of the surface.

  4. Subfloor preparation required - including brand names of any products used (such as levelling compounds, primers, etc).

  5. Floor covering plan - showing adjoining rooms, all relevant dimensions and features, position of seams and joins, and direction of the carpet pile.
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